Video Game Collection
I am keeping track of the physical games I own both to brag and feel embarassed about. I think I've got almost everything here, but I'm sure to be missing something. Table of Contents entries without links are TBC. ....Please don't judge me for how many games I own. I'm a DINK and I think it's still cheaper than smoking!
Table of Contents
[ Nintendo Switch ] [ DS ] [ 3DS ] [ Game Boy ] [ Game Boy Colour ] [ Game Boy Advance ] [ Genesis/Mega Drive ] [ NES ] [ Famicom ] [ Playstation ] [ Playstation 2 ] [ Playstation 3 ] [ Playstation 4 ] [ Playstation Portable ] [ Playstation Vita ] [ SNES ] [ Wii ] [ Wii U ] [ Mini Consoles ] [ Evercade ] [ ZX Spectrum ]
Nintendo Switch
Nintendo DS
Nintendo 3DS
Game Boy
Game Boy Colour
Game Boy Advance
Genesis / Mega Drive