Books read in 2024
Asterisks are favorites, though I tend to like a lot of what I read so no astericks doesn't mean I don't like it!
This year, after last year having read a bunch of "Good Books" and finishing Proust in early 2024, I decided would be a year of reading fun/genre/scifi/fantasy books
2025 edit: And that's it! I read 63 books in 2024! Not bad. I read a lot of fun page turners this year and I don't feel shy about it at all. Reading should be fun :)
Alan Partridge - Big Beacon (2023)
Banana Yoshimoto - Kitchen (1988)
Marcel Proust - Sodom & Gomorrah (Research 4) (1922)
Marcel Proust - The Prisoner (Research 5) (1923)
Marcel Proust - The Fugitive (Research 6) (1925)
Marcel Proust - Time Regained (Research 7) (1927) *
James H Schmitz - Telzey Amberdon (60s originally) *
Matthew Hughes - A God In Chains (2019)
William Burroughs - The Wild Boys (1969)
Miya Kazuki - Ascendence of a Bookworm, Part 2 Vol. 1 (2015)
Bret Easton Ellis - The Shards (2023)
James H Schmitz - TNT Telzey N Trigger (60s originally)
Adam Thorpe - Ulverdon (1992)
Bryan Wagner - 33 1/3 The Wild Tchoupitoulas (2019)
Joris Karl Husymans - La Bas (1891) *
William Burroughs - The Cat Inside (1986) *
Dorothy Evelyn Smith - O The Brave Music (1943) *
James H Schmitz - The Witches of Karres (1966) *
Spike Milligan - Adolf Hitler: My Role in his Downfall (1971)
John le Carre - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1974)
Satoshi Yagisawa - Days at the Morisaki Bookshop (2010)
J.K. Huysmans - En Route (1895)
Steve Perry - Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (1996)
Rosemary Tonks - Businessmen as Lovers (1969)
Ford Maddox Ford - The Good Soldier (1915)
Mercedes Lackey - The Wizard of Karres (2004)
Maurice Gorham - Back to the Local (1949)
Frank Herbert - Dune (1965)
Iman Mersal - Traces of Ennayat (2023) *
Frank Herbert - Dune Messiah (1969)
Robyn Hitchcock - 1967 (2024)
Kynpham Sing Nongkynrih - Funeral Nights (2024) *
Rosemary Tonks - The Way Out Of Berkeley Square (1970) *
Charles Willeford - Miami Blues (1984)
Miya Kazuki - Ascendence of a Bookworm, Part 2 Vol. 2 (2015)
Charles Willeford - New Hope For The Dead (1985)
Charles Willeford - Sideswipe (1987)
Charles Willeford - The Way We Die Now (1988)
CJ Cherryh - Merchanter's Luck (1982)
CJ Cherryh - 40,000 In Gehenna (1983)
Michael Sadleir - Trollope: A Commentary (1927)
Miya Kazuki - Ascendance of a Bookworm Vol. 2 Part 3 (2016)
A.A. Attanasio - The Dark Shore (1996) *
Robert Lynn Asprin (ed) - Theives' World (1978)
Spider Robinson - Callahan's Crosstime Salloon* (1977)
Kim Newman - Drachenfels (Genevieve 1) (1989)
Robert Lynn Asprin (ed) - Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn (Theives' 2) (1980)
Anna Anthropy - ZZT (2014)
Howard Andrew Jones - The City of Marble and Blood (Hanuvar 2) (2023)
Robert Louis Stevenson - Treasure Island (1883)
Thomas a Kempis - Imitation of Christ (1427)
RA Salvatore - The Crystal Shard (Icewind Dale 1) (1988)
Harper Lee - To Kill A Mockingbird (1960)
RA Salvatore - Streams of Silver (Icewind Dale 2) (1989)
Olga Tokarczuk- The Empusium (2024)
RA Salvatore - The Halfling's Gem (Icewind Dale 3) (1990)
Satoshi Yagisawa - More Days at the Morisaki Bookshop (2024)
Natsume Soseki - I Am A Cat (1906)
Miya Kazuki - Ascendance of a Bookworm Vol. 2 Part 4 (2020)
David M Ewalt - Of Dice and Men: The Story of Dungeons & Dragons (2013)
Anne McCaffrey - Crystal Singer (1982)
Spider Robinson - Time Travelers Strictly Cash (1981)
Graeme Mason - ZX Dreams (2024)