Books read in 2023

Asterisks are favorites, though I tend to like a lot of what I read so no astericks doesn't mean I don't like it!

  • John Kennedy Toole - A Confederacy of Dunces
  • Alan Watts - This Is It
  • Paul Scott - The Day of the Scorpion (Raj Quartet Book 2) *
  • CS Lewis - Prince Caspian (Narnia 2)
  • Helen DeWitt - The Last Samurai
  • CS Lewis - The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Narnia 3)
  • Matthew Hughes - Fools Errant
  • Sylvia Townsend Warner - TH White A Biography
  • CJ Cherryh - Foreigner
  • CJ Cherryh - Invader (Foreigher 2)
  • CJ Cherryh - Inheritor (Foreigher 3)
  • Cookie Mueller - Walking Through Clear Water In A Pool Painted Black *
  • CS Lewis - The Silver Chair (Narnia 4)
  • Katherine Rundell - Super-Infinite: The Transformations of John Donne
  • Joseph Henry Shorthouse - John Inglesant *
  • Laszlo Krasznahorkai - A Mountain to the North, a Lake to the South, Paths to the West, a River to the East
  • Hans Grimmelhausen - Simplicius Simplicissimus
  • Algernon Blackwood - The Unknown: Weird Writings 1900-1937
  • Paul Scott - The Towers of Silence (Raj Quartet Book 3) *
  • RS Surtees - Jorrock's Jaunts & Jolities
  • Jacqueline Crooks - Fire Rush *
  • CLR James - Beyond a Boundary *
  • Sven Holm - Termush
  • Stella Benson - Pull Devil, Pull Baker
  • Zilpha Keatley Snyder - Under the Root (Green Sky 1)
  • Zilpha Keatley Snyder - And All Between (Green Sky 2)
  • Zilpha Keatley Snyder - Until the Celebration (Green Sky 3)
  • Paul Scott - The Division of the Spoils (Raj Quartet Book 4) *
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery - The Little Prince
  • RB Russell - Fifty Forgotten Books
  • Bram Stoker - Dracula
  • Pamela Hansford Johnson - The Unspeakable Skipton
  • Roger Dobson - The Library of the Lost
  • Paul Scott - Staying On
  • Lin Carter - The Wizard of Lemuria
  • Jocelyn Brooke - The Military Orchid *
  • EM Forster - Howards End *
  • Jeffrey E. Barlough - Bertram of Butter Cross
  • Jocelyn Brooke - A Mine Of Serpents *
  • Jocelyn Brooke - The Goose Cathedral *
  • Henry James - The Wings of the Dove
  • Jocelyn Brooke - The Image of a Drawn Sword
  • Howard Andrew Jones - Lord of a Shattered Land (Hanuvar 1) *
  • SE Hinton - That Was Then, This Is Now
  • Jocelyn Brooke - The Dog at Clambercrown
  • David Keenan - England's Hidden Reverse
  • Djuna Barnes - Nightwood
  • Stuart Gipp - All Games Are Good
  • Linton Kwesi Johnson - Time Come
  • MR James - Collected Ghost Stories
  • CJ Cherry - The Faded Sun: Kesrith *
  • CJ Cherry - The Faded Sun: Shon'jir
  • CJ Cherry - The Faded Sun: Kutath
  • Ascendence of a Boowworm - Vol 1
  • Ascendence of a Boowworm - Vol 2
  • Ascendence of a Boowworm - Vol 3
  • Marcel Proust - Swann's Way (Research 1)
  • Marcel Proust - In The Shadow of Young Girls in Flower (Research 2)
  • Marcel Proust - The Guermantes Way (Research 3)